Hi, I work as an un-disciplinary scholar, designer, and artist. My scholarly work looks at what it means to be data-driven and the consequences of reimagining government and cities (Los Angeles in particular) in the image of silicon-valley smartness. I trace the ~2010s era of open data through our current moment of AI to identify transformations the labor of civil service, the experience of city living, the aesthetic contours of the urban, and the naturalization of sur/dataveillance and its consequences for minoritized communities.
I research through ethnography, design and visual arts, material semiotic approaches, historical analysis, through community organizing, and through everyday noticing, existing, and caring. My doctoral work was based on a 2 year participant observation study with the LA Mayoral Data Team and several years of supporting activists around housing justice and against state surveillance in LA County.
I teach topics at the intersection of technology and society + the environment, + the city, and + critical data studies. I am currently an instructor at Olin College in the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences. I recently completed a computing innovation fellowship working on a relational environmental data justice project in the Greater Boston area. My research interests & creative practices encompass: science and technology studies; feminist geography; infrastructure studies; environmental history; participatory ethnography; design; abolitionist imagination; crip & queer theory; printmaking; and narrative media of all sorts.
I am also a prolific napper, a lover of all things audio, an adequate cat dad to Merope (aka Mumi or Mimu or some variation thereof). I theoretically enjoy playing soccer, image and print making, learning and listening to piano (as an adult beginner—very humbling), psychology and mysticism in equal measure, giving great advice that I don't myself adhere, experiencing awe in built and natural environments (if such distinctions must be made), and learning (I am essentially 87 hobbies in a trench coat). I am perpetually plagued by my unlived lives.