I research smart cities / surveillance / data-driven governance & related affects and histories and make media about housing justice, bodies, disability, identity, and cosmos 🌿.



Broadly my work looks at what it means to be data-driven. Currently I am a computing innovation fellow at Northeastern University working on a relational environmental data justice project with the WEDJ lab. My dissertation research examines the data-driven smart city, focusing on what is at stake for the labor of civil service, the experience of city living (esp for minoritized communities), and the aesthetic contours of the urban. I also support local community organizing efforts on housing justice, and against surveillance, policing, and related carceral violences.

My general research / creative practices surround: feminist science and technology studies; cultural geography; participatory ethnography; design; data / visualization; abolitionist imagination; disability and housing justice; queer theory; and narrative media / illustration.

I am also a media artist and freelance designer, a prolific napper / audiobooker (often an audiobook-napper), an adequate cat dad to Merope (aka Moomi), and in my free time I theoretically enjoy illustration, printmaking, watercolor, playing soccer, learning piano, and looking around city streets and naturey spaces.