Teaching & Workshops

A Critical Data Studies Course

Data is world-making and deeply affects our everyday lives. In this course we’ll trace the evolution of data and data technology design as a tool of control used in governance, science, and industry -- from early empires to our current era of AI. We will explore how data practices have been instrumental in shaping major disasters of our lifetime; the rise and fall of empires; the (mis)functioning of modern nation-states; our collective conceptions of the body, health, gender, sexuality, race, class, labor, and expertise; increasingly ubiquitous surveillance; and the way we address complex social problems ranging from poverty to environmental crises. Through critical analysis of key readings and real world examples, students will gain a deep understanding of the intricate relationship between data, politics, and the potential for data-driven technologies to either empower or oppress. This is a seminar style course that incorporates design research and speculative design approaches for major assignments.

ENVIRONMENT, TECHNOLOGY, & SOCIETY: Just & Transformative Futures

The design and control of nature was a central theme in the development of modern science and technology. Today however, we are confronted daily with nature seemingly out of control–from heatwaves and wildfires to flooding and droughts. How did we get here? What is the human role in these events, and how is industrialization, government, and the advancement of design, science, and technology related to our transforming environmental conditions? This interdisciplinary course draws on social theory, environmental history, anthropology and sociology, tactical art and design, and science and technology studies to investigate the pressing questions of present day environmental issues. Throughout the course, we will examine how these environmental issues intersect with broader themes of social justice and explore how scientists and engineers are adapting their fields to confront these challenges head-on. Through visual art and group-based design exercises, this course will introduce you to critical making practices, enabling you to recognize, invent, and describe new approaches to environmental technologies and social relations. By the end of this course, you will gain a deeper understanding of key themes in science and technology studies and develop the ability to critically analyze contemporary social issues related to environmental health, justice, and economic development. This course aims to empower you to think creatively and make meaningful contributions to environmental and social change.


Drawing with Objects, Words, & Code https://easychair.org/smart-program/SLSA2019/

Leah Horgan and Amanda Stojanov

This is a generative design workshop where people of all technical levels can create computer-generated graphics. This workshop addresses how code can be used as a tool for creating meaning, playing off of the affordances of both text (with randomized text from top hashtags) and image (from top memes), and surreal humor. Javascript and the p5.js library will be used to introduce several basic concepts such as variables, functions, and randomness.

Art & Design